Anaphylaxis 2024

5. The Leitlinie zu Akuttherapie und Management der Anaphylaxis legt deshalb folgende charakteristische Kriterien fr eine Anaphylaxie dar, um diese schnell identifizieren und behandeln zu k nnen: pl tzliches Auftreten von Symptomen an der Haut zusammen mit pl tzlichen respiratorischen Symptomen oder pl tzlichem Blutd ruckabfall, 6 Anaphylaxis corresponds to a potentially fatal acute generalized hypersensitivity reaction 1. Depending on its severity, anaphylaxis constitutes a clinical emergency, the potentially fatal symptoms of which manifest at the level of different disease systems. organs respiratory tract, cardiovascular system, gastro tract, 30. An allergic reaction occurs when the body reacts to something it considers a threat, even if it is not. A mild reaction may cause minor symptoms, such as sneezing or itchy eyes. Anaphylaxis is a serious reaction that can be life-threatening.

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