opera bouffe 2024 liege

29. Okay. 2018. After ten years of absence the poster of the Op ra royal de Wallonie, Liège resumes The Secret Marriage of Cimarosa ruled by Stefano Mazzonis di Pralafera, on January 31. 2024. Die Op ra bouffe erz hlt eine Geschichte von Liebe, Verkleidungsk nsten und Abenteuer - ein wahrhaft packendes Werk, das in der Inszenierung von Katharina Thoma neue Facetten offenbart. Januar - 15. M im Opernhaus. Mit der opulenten Operette Die Banditen im R uber-Milieu zeigt sich Jacques Offenbach auf, Tagen. Opening hours and address. Open Monday to Saturday 6 p.m. without interruption Place de l'Op Li ge. Ticket office closed June and August inclusive.23. OK T. 2023. The Italian patrons of the Liège Opera definitely like The Barber of Seville. Stefano Mazzonis had performed it three times. by putting him on stage himself and - the last time - with Belgian singers Jodie Devos and Lionel Lhote and a Belgian chef Guy Van Waas as headliner.21. Apr. 2023. The Opéra Royal de Wallonie presented this Friday its new one - 2024. On the theme, projecting yourself, the ORW will offer nine operas, three concerts, three events for.

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