Laubrock 2024

31. M. Ingrid Laubrock - The Last Quiet Place Pyroclastic Records PR24. Album review by Tony Dudley-Evans Since relocating to New York from London, Ingrid Laubrock has created an impressive body of work.If her early albums recorded in London and a commission from the Cheltenham Jazz Festival showed her potential as a composer, 21. M. Zwei Neulinge im Leitungsteam der kfd. Westbevern - Die Frauengemeinschaft hat auf der Generalversammlung ein neues Leitungsteam gew hlt. Ihm geh ren Elisabeth B umer, Hedwig G ttker, Gisela. 12. - pm. Initiator - Rin Peisert · Ingrid Laubrock solo, - Maja Radovanlija, Shelly Purdy, Bonnie Lander, Emily Rach Beisel. Closer - easygoingtech -channel CLEAT system. Festival Improvisors: All improvisers are invited as individuals and will perform on two out of the three nights of the festival. Each,

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