European-Sky-Shields-Initiative 2024

3. Okt. 2023. Today 15 Denmark and Sweden joined the European Sky Shield Initiative ESSI coordinated by Germany. This brings the number of participants, Allies as well as invitees Finland and Sweden. Among other things, the initiative aims to strengthen NATO s Integrated Air and Missile Defence by facilitating, 11. Sept. 2023. Germany is urging European countries to join forces to increase protection against ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and drones by signing on to the so-called European Sky Shield Initiative. 10. Apr. 2024. Die Schweiz nimmt an der European Sky Shield Initiative teil. Das hat der Bundesrat entschieden, nun k nnen sich die Parlamentskommissionen ussern. Bei wesentlichen Vorbehalten w rde das VBS Vorschl ge f r weiteres Vorgehen unterbreiten.

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